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How to Write SEO Optimized Articles

Penulis : Admin on Sunday, April 14, 2013 | 6:33 PM

In the good old early days of the internet, the website with the most instances of a keyword would come right to the top of a Google search. Back then it was simple to get to the top. All you had to do is have more keywords on your site than your competitors. Internet search engines have become savvier since then. Now Google will penalize sites for simply posting the same keyword over and over on their site. In today’s search engine optimization world, you need to create good content and work keywords into your text in grammatically correct and subtle ways.

  • Keyword Saturation

When you are writing an article that needs to be keyword optimized, it’s good to keep in mind that if you use too many keywords you’ll actually achieve a negative effect, sending your article lower in the search results. For an article to be taken seriously by Google, it needs to be at least 250-300 words long, although 300-500 is the sweet spot you want to shoot for. Anything more than that and you’re probably just wasting time and space. Good keyword saturation is about 1-3%. That means for every 100 words, you need to mention your keyword 1-3 times.

To put this in perspective, the previous paragraph is 101 words long. Including a keyword 1-3 times in that space is not going to seem odd to readers, but if you start to increase that number, readers may start to get annoyed at the number of times you use the same word or phrase—especially if the phrase is something like “free online term life insurance quotes.” Search engines will also get suspicious and disregard your article in searches.

  • Grammar

Another thing that will annoy both readers and search engines is the use of keywords that are not grammatically correct within the context. It’s easy to read about free online term life insurance quotes when the phrase is grammatically correct, but when you start to talk about walking your dog down at the free online term life insurance quotes, both readers and search engines are turned off.

Search engines are much more complicated than they used to be. They use algorithms to check the density and grammar of web text so that they can deliver the best websites and articles to the people who are searching for them and avoid advertisements and marketing pitches. So, your job as an SEO article writer is to write articles that read well, have good information, and have subtly maximized their keyword usage so that the article sounds natural. Once you achieve that level of good content and subtle keywords, you’ll have mastered optimizing articles for search engines.

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